Sunday, March 23, 2008

Disney on Ice

Something really fun that happened recently...I heard that Disney on Ice was coming to the Energy Solutions Arena (Delta Center).
I thought it would be so much fun if Lily and the girls went. We decided to keep it a secret until the girls got to the show. We didn't tell them anything about it.

It was a difficult secret to keep. The day they went Lily picked them up from school and told them "We are going some place fun." You can imagine the speculation. Later on Kayla told me when they arrived at Energy Solutions Arena she thought, "Oh great, we get to go to a Jazz game. Yippie. :( Can you detect the sarcasm? Hannah thought they were going to some really gigantic movie theater. Finally, Trish had to say, "We're going to Disney on Ice! Don't you guys see all the Disney stuff around here!" They called me on her phone. It was so much fun to hear them screaming about it and they were just so excited. What a great time they had.

1 comment:

The Pierce Family said...

What fun!!! I remember Michaela and I went so many years ago. Your girls are all so cute and little Kate reminds me of Michaela when she was that age.